Elliott Banfield
Illustration and Design
Over the years, I've worked for a succession of customers who, for various periods, provided me with steady assignments. First was The American Spectator, then came the NY Times Book Review, The Wall Street Journal, Cartier (the jewelry company), The New York Sun, and (since 2002), The Claremont Review of Books, of which I’m the designer and art director. For those who don’t know about the CRB: it’s a quarterly that covers politics and literature from a classical/traditional point of view. I illustrate the print version of the magazine, and have less involvement with its online version.
Most of my graphic work is in the black and white mode, which, like painting and sculpture, constitutes a distinct genre (often associated with writing and publishing). In my effort to master this difficult medium, Photoshop has been a useful ally. The recent transformation of graphics in all its phases is due to inventions such as these. In an effort to make black and white images that reflect the new technical potential, I’ve developed a Photoshop add-on (named Printmaker) that may be of interest to other artists. In 2017 I figured a way to introduce color into the Printmaker method, which greatly expands its usefulness.
To see a demonstration of Printmaker, visit this link: https://youtu.be/EdUc_JcwaUo
Contact me directly at banfielde@ymail.com
Elliott Banfield
Updated March 10, 2018